Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care

Rédigé le 22/03/2020

Modération IL: culture générale sur le COVID. C'est plus un lien qu'un document à mettre en ligne. Pas de lien avec la Rehab à ce stade.

This Special Collection is one of two collections on COVID-19, and it focuses on evidence relevant to critical care. See also the companion Special Collection: Coronavirus (COVID-19): infection control and prevention measures.

This Special Collection is also available in Simplified ChineseFarsiFrenchJapaneseBahasa Malaysia, and Spanish

This Special Collection has been created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is regularly updated. It aims to ensure immediate access to systematic reviews most directly relevant to the management of people hospitalized with severe acute respiratory infections. It includes reviews that are relevant to the WHO interim guidance, those identified as relevant by Cochrane Acute and Emergency Care, and also draws on the knowledge of Cochrane groups in affected regions.

While the reviews in this Special Collection assess interventions that are referenced in the WHO interim guidance, the direct applicability of the evidence may be limited by the low proportion of people with viral infection enrolled in the primary studies.

This Special Collection includes Cochrane Reviews on the following topics: fluid and vasopressor therapyrespiratory support and mechanical ventilationweaning mechanical ventilationmanaging hypoxaemiapharmacological treatment; and nutrition in intensive care. Many reviews in the collection have associated Cochrane Clinical Answers, with links provided. 

It is important to note that the reviews included in this Collection summarise evidence; their inclusion does not mean that they are an effective treatment. A number of reviews presented here highlight the paucity of high-quality evidence to inform medical decision-making in the context of the severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) crisis.

Special Collection - Coronavirus (COVID-19): evidence relevant to critical care | Cochrane Library